Friday, October 21, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

The Plot
Young politician David Norris and dancer Elise fall in love at first sight. They make an irresistible pair. David is a high profile politician who is on track to become a possible presidential candidate in future and Elise is in line to become a delightful choreographer.

There are a set of men who call themselves "The Adjustment Bureau". They control people's lives and maintain a file for each person. According to their plans, these 2 lovers are not supposed to unite because their respective careers will be affected by their blind love for each other.

David decides to follow their advice for 3 yrs and goes away from Elise. He then, comes to know that Elise is about to get married. Now, his feelings for her start to overpower him and he is desperate to stop her marriage. He is then helped by one of the members of the "Adjustment Bureau", Harry, who leads David to Elise through many secret doors in the city. After a major chase by the other members of the bureau, the 2 lovers unite through the sheer intensity of their love for each other.

  • Emily Blunt is delightfully charming and dances like a dream. Such a perfect woman worth craving for.
  • Matt Damon is as always earnest and intense in his portrayal of David Norris
  • Anthony Mackie has a nice gentle-manlike role as Harry, a helpful member of the bureau.
  • The BG score varies according to the screenplay. Mellow and riveting, according to the mood of the scenes.  
  • The concept of "The Adjustment Bureau" is pure fantasy but, not over the top. It is basically about a group of men who make sure that they control peoples' destiny. David Norris, though, decides to make his own destiny by taking on the bureau despite the risks. 
Terrific on-screen chemistry between the lead pair and an outrageously beautiful Emily Blunt make this film a decent watch. 

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