Saturday, October 15, 2011

Limitless (2011)

The Plot
A worn out and wasted writer, Eddie Morra is badly looking for inspiration in life when he comes across a drug that works wonders to his brain. It is called NZT. As soon as he takes it, he starts working like a dream and his efficiency is unimaginably high.

He becomes a big name in the share market and starts working with big shots like Carl Van Loon. But, due to this drug and his high profile rise, he is also pursued by other notorious people in the city who want the drug for obvious reasons.

He also goes through a stage when he is on the verge of collapsing due to the after effects of the drug. But Eddie hangs in, ensures constant supply and intake of NZT and becomes really big, to the level of becoming the Senator and US President in waiting. He also stabilizes his relationship with his girlfriend Lindy after a failed marriage to Melissa.
  • Bradley Cooper is style personified and looks obnoxiously handsome.
  • Abbie Cornish redefines petite and cute. Such divine looks. 
  • Robert De Niro looks really old. But, nevertheless the class is intact
  • The making style is classy and quite extravagant with lots of zooms and jerky camera movements & trendy BG score. Sort of 'Fight Club' like in the overall look and feel 
  • The scenes where Eddie and Lindy feel the effect of NZT are portrayed with a lot of stylish impact. 
This fantasy entertainer makes you go WOW ...  

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