Sunday, October 9, 2011

Super 8 (2011)

The Plot
A bunch of school kids are shooting a short film for some festival, near a railway track. They witness a terrible accident where a truck gets onto the track and derails the entire train. This train belongs to the Air Force and carries some weird white cubes. The truck was driven by the biology teacher in their school.

Then, a lot of strange happenings like dogs disappearing, cars smashed etc. occur in the town (Lillian) and an ET creature is apparently causing all the havoc.

The kids find out that the biology teacher knows the truth behind all these strange happenings. He wishes to free the ET creature that has been trapped on Earth by the Air Force. The ET creature actually wants to reassemble its ship using those white cubes and leave earth. But, the Air Force traps the creature and drives it to become very aggressive against humans. One of the kid's dad is the deputy sheriff of the town and he wants to bring the Air Force to task for causing all the havoc in the town.

Finally after a lot of chaos caused by fire explosions, evacuation in the town, one of the kids (Alice) being trapped by the creature, a war like zone caused by the Air Force's destructive attitude towards the creature etc. etc. , the creature gets back to its home after forming a space ship using all the magnetic objects in the town.

The kids are all safe and all is well.

  • Very good visual effects particularly in the opening train accident and the climax action.
  • Entertaining and fast moving.
  • Nice performances by all the kids. 
  • The ET creature looks very ugly and gory. 
Another monster movie and a good time pass entertainer at that. 

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