Saturday, October 8, 2011

Submarine (2010)

The Plot
The film is about the life of a young 15 yr old school kid Oliver Tate. It traverses his love life with Jordana Bevan and also the troubled relationship that exists between his parents.

He suspects that his mother is having an affair with her former lover and current neighbor Graham, who has a weird lifestyle. Oliver goes through troubles in his life because of his twin commitments - setting right his parents' relationship and maintaining his relationship with Jordana.

Just when things are about to turn worse, they pan out like a fairy-tale. His parents decide to put the Graham affair behind and Jordana also comes back to Oliver after forgiving all the neglect during Jordana's time of need.

  • Craig Roberts as the introverted and quite scared and weird Oliver Tate is very natural and perfectly casted
  • Yasmin Paige as Jordana is overweight but suits the role of the crazy, different school girl. 
  • The making style is very original. The use of chapters is Tarantino-esque 
  • The climax scene when the young lovers reunite in the beach is very romantic. 
  • Some good bonding scenes between the father and son are shown through the mood based song tapes
A different movie about teenage love and parental troubles shown through the eyes of the young protagonist. 

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