Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Real Steel (2011)

The Plot
The movie is set in the near future and it is about robot boxing. It features some spectacular animatronics robots named Ambush, Noisy Boy, Atom, Zeus, Twin Cities etc. etc.

A thread of father-son bonding also runs through the movie as Charlie and his son Max unite after the death of Max's mother. Max is supposed to be with Charlie only for a few months before he is adopted by Deborah, his mom's sister.

Charlie had been away from his family ever since the birth of Max, due to his boxing pursuits. Charlie is backed all along by Bailey and her late father Tallet. Tallet's gym is the place where Charlie trains and makes his robots functional.

After Charlie fails with his first 2 robots Ambush and Noisy Boy, due to his over ambitious approach, he finally makes it big with his son's robot Atom. Atom is actually discovered in the metal dumping yard under dangerous circumstances by Max and he is totally attached to Atom since that incident.

Max trains Atom based on his expertise with video games. He finds out that Atom can imitate whatever the person facing him does. Max dances with Atom, makes him do some moves and finally Charlie chips in with his boxing expertise. Initially Atom wins some local bouts before being listed in the WRB league.

In the climax WRB bout with the undisputed champion Zeus, Atom really puts up a great show and embarrasses the people behind Zeus. Atom emerges as the people's champ after Charlie even does some shadow boxing towards the final rounds.

The climax fight is just like the legendary Rocky1 fight between Balboa and Apollo Creed where Rocky as the underdog bravely fights it out till the end and emerges as the people's champ .

  • Some amazing animatronics robots.
  • Hugh Jackman is rugged, manly, handsome and absolutely macho. A killer indeed. In the climax when he does shadow boxing, jumps and punches, it makes you scream in delight spontaneously. 
  • Dakota Goyo as the young kid Max is a real charmer with his cute eyes and pleasing smile. When he dances with Atom, it feels so good and bowls you over totally. 
  • Evangeline Lilly as Bailey, is super hot, sexy and provides some good emotional moments. 
  • The boxing matches between the robots are all beautifully done and make the audience go crazy with the mad adrenaline rush. 
A robotic version of Rocky with some good father-son bonding thrown in the mix. MUST WATCH

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