Monday, October 31, 2011

Classic Revisited: Batman Begins (2005)

The Plot
Gotham City is filled with petty criminals and other anti social elements who are all under the purview of Falcone. Falcone is the kingpin of all shady activities in Gotham. There are a few officials in Gotham like the DA Rachel and Sergeant Gordon who still believe in Gotham and want the city back in order.

Bruce Wayne is the only son of Thomas Wayne who is the biggest hot shot in Gotham. Thomas is murdered on the streets by a petty thief. Bruce witnesses this incident as a young boy, and he is frequently haunted by this incident. He also has a fear for bats.

After growing up and shooting his father's murderer named Chill, Bruce travels the world to understand the psychology of criminals. He is trained by Ducard (Ra's Al Ghul) to overcome his fears and become a part of the "League of Shadows".

Bruce doesn't believe their philosophy and leaves that place after his training. He develops a mysterious superhuman alter-ego called the Batman and he begins cleaning the scum off Gotham's streets. Batman takes the services of Gordon whenever needed. Bruce's guardian and well-wisher Alfred and Lucius Fox from Wayne Enterprises provide Bruce with the technology and support to become Batman.

The "League of Shadows" wants to destroy Gotham because they believe Gotham has become too rotten. They plan to vaporize Gotham's water supply through the main train line and to spread a poisonous toxin that would drive the citizens of Gotham mad and ultimately to death.  Dr. Crane is used as a pawn for this purpose.

In the end Batman saves Gotham City from the League of Shadows. He prevents the toxin from spreading across the entire city. He kills Ducard and salvages the hope in Gotham. The movie ends with Batman coming to know of his next notorious target, The Joker. The premise for "The Dark Knight" is hence set

  • Awe-inspiring film making by Christopher Nolan. So intriguing and engaging. Never a dull moment
  • Christian Bale is beefed up for his Batman avatar. His hoarse voice for the Batman is also quite apt
  • The technology that goes into the making of the Batman suit is well brought out. The Batman's suit, symbol and his tank are all iconic
  • The dramatic BG score by Hans Zimmer that reaches a crescendo, is another turn-on
  • The cinematography by Wally Pfister particularly the aerial shots of Batman hanging onto the city's skyscrapers is truly awesome. 
  • Good support roles for Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman. The way these veterans speak their dialogues with punch and in typical style is very entertaining. 
  • Katie Holmes as Rachel is a cute addition to the movie. Gary Oldman as Gordon impresses with his sincerity and awkwardness at using the Batman's tank in the climax. Liam Neeson as Ducard impresses in the initial scenes when he trains Bruce. 
  • The climax train sequence is executed in a terrific manner. Great concept. 
One of the very best superhero blockbusters. 

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