Friday, March 16, 2012

Muran movie review

Two strangers with totally varied philosophies have a chance encounter during a road trip from Bangalore to Chennai. They slowly start exchanging their views and their life histories and they are like chalk and cheese. While Arjun is the younger and more exciting man who prefers thrills and spills, Nanda is the mature and calm man who is married and into music.

Both of them have a problem that is preventing them from being truly happy. While Arjun wants to bump off his father, Nanda has a very troublesome wife who refuses to grant him divorce until she gets her dad's property.

Arjun suggests to Nanda that they kill each other's trouble elements, and even manages to kill Nanda's wife in a road accident. Now it's Nanda's turn to return the favor and Arjun is relentlessly behind him to return the favor.

Nanda comes to know of the real truth behind Arjun as he has trouble with his conscience in killing Arjun's dad.

A nice intense movie that never dips. The initial encounters between Arjun and Nanda are really interesting. The female leads in the movie are pretty artificial especially Haripriya as Nanda's girlfriend. She looks awesome by the way. Nikita as Nanda's spoilt wife is passe. Suma as Linda is heavily anglicized. She has a decent role. Jayaprakash is as always consistent and delivers as Arjun's dad.

But, it is the 2 male leads who carry the movie to the winning post. Cheran is smart, trim and manages to pull off this role with his limited expressions. Prasanna is a rockstar. A solid role again after Anjathey. He is handsome, has lost weight, looks super debonair. It's sad that Tamil cinema hasn't welcomed this youngster with open arms. He deserves it.

The songs are all montages. All are decent except the atrocious item song in the climax which stands out sorely.

VERDICT: The inspiration from Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a Train' could have been notified. A good thriller in Tamil, nevertheless.

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