Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Marina movie review

Another children's movie by director Pandiraj. He has focused on the kids and other dwellers in Chennai's Marina beach. Most of the kids have the intention to go to school but they are forced to sell a variety of things on the beach for their living. We have horse riders, flute sellers, singers, dancers, retarded people, 'sundal' sellers and of course young lovers who make the beach their abode.

Ambikapathy is one such kid who stands out in the group with his friendly and cheerful demeanor at all times. There is a suspense behind one particular kid and this episode shows how the police force can be such low-lives.

The love scenes between Nathan and Swapnasundari are pretty entertaining. Lot of wisecracks and sarcastic wit. The movie is entertaining primarily because of these love scenes. The way he woos her, tries hard to maintain her and finally lets her go - humorous all the way. Jayaprakash has a majestic cameo emphasizing the need for educating children.

The songs sound good but have been picturized in a pretty basic manner. The BG score is neat. Good job by the newcomer Girish.

The documentary feel is dominant when the lives of the kids at the beach are shown in such vivid graphic detail. Scenes showing kids playing pretty elementary cricket are not meant for big screen viewing - they resemble some home video. The climax horse racing sequence is better though.

But all the characters in the beach make a mark. Each of them has a touching story behind their current state particularly the old man, the small dancing girl and her father. The expected tragic climax leading to the kids finally going to school for good, is predictable but makes you get involved with the movie.

VERDICT: Novel intentions but could have been more gripping. Nevertheless, a good movie. 

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