Sunday, March 18, 2012

Frost/Nixon (2008)

Following the resignation of US President Richard Nixon in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal, British TV host David Frost plans to interview him on a variety of issues including inciting a possible confession for his role in letting down the American people.

Frost struggles to setup the interview as the networks and consequently the ad agencies are not interested. He finally assembles his own team of researchers and his good friend as the producer and gets the show started. He spends around 2 million USD in the process

The interviews are spread across 4 days with the topics clearly planned out. It is literally like a boxing bout as both the camps have so much preparation, planning and researches going on.

Nixon negotiates the first 3 days pretty easily and Frost's camp is frustrated at the impending doom. But the final day brings about a dramatic change in fortunes as Nixon breaks down following a relentless attack by Frost. Nixon confesses to his part in the whole scandal and asks for forgiveness from the American people.

The whole interview becomes a great success. In the end, there are no ill feelings between the 2 camps and Nixon takes it sportingly and retires form public life.

Very gripping and intense movie. Never loses pace. The tension is there throughout. The interviews, the research process and the way the 2 lead characters have performed is terrific. Hats off to Frank Langella as Nixon and Michael Sheen as Frost. Nixon's voice in particular is majestic. Sheen overdoes the charm part at times but is first class most of the way. Sheen looks very similar to Jack Nicholson in his younger days.

The 3 researchers and Frost's girlfriend also have small yet substantial parts. Hans Zimmer's music doesn't spoilt the tense mood. It adds to the effect. The pre-production and the process of producing a TV program have also been showed very well. The film has a heavy docu feel.

VERDICT: A gripping interview on a notorious scandal. Great performances. 

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