Friday, September 23, 2011

Thor (2011)

The Plot
The film is a visual fantasy that shows 2 realms in outer space, Asgard and Jotunheim. Jotunheim has the 'Frost Giants' who have the power to freeze their opponents. The earth is also one of the nine realms.

Asgard is ruled by Odin who has 2 sons Thor and Luki. Luki is actually an adopted son found in Jotunheim post the conquest by Odin. Luki is jealous of his brother Thor and wants to become the king of Asgard.  He is a cunning manipulator with magical powers.

In the beginning, Thor looks to aggressively demolish Jotunheim with his small gang of aides. He almost pulls it off when his father intervenes, strips him off his powers, his hammer and banishes him from Asgard. Thor lands on Earth in New Mexico.

He is helped by a curious scientist Jane Foster in his mission to find his hammer and return back to his home land. Jane is intrigued by Thor's story. They start loving each other. Erik and Darcy are Jane's company. Thor is countered on Earth by the Frost Giants who are instigated by the scheming Luki. Thor gets his hammer at the right moment and banishes the enemy.

In the end, Thor realizes the value of life and starts believing in wisdom. He returns to Asgard with his hammer. He convinces his ailing father that he will indeed be the future king. Luki is banished now and he lands somewhere on Earth.

Jane waits for Thor while he is in Asgard listening to Heimdall the gatekeeper who has extra-ordinary powers to see people on Earth too. The bridge called Bifrost, that connects Asgard to Jotunheim and also to the Earth, is broken and hence Thor can't get back to his love on Earth.

The films ends with the premise for a sequel.

  • Terrific VFX, graphics and imagination. As expected.
  • Natalie Portman as Jane is goddess personified with her elegance and pure, innocent beauty.
  • Chris Hemsworth as the macho super hero is imposing and very charming as the huge Thor
  • Lots of mystic creations like Bifrost, Asgard, Jotunheim etc. etc. 
  • Entertaining references to SHIELD and Tony Stark from Iron Man. 
  • Very simple story of a superhero realizing the purpose of his life. The standard templates like a demure girl who loves the superhero are all present in Thor. 
Another "Marvel Comics" visual effects extravaganza

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