Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Analyze This (1999)

The Plot
Paul Vitti is a dreaded gangster who starts getting some panic attacks due to his troubled past. The exact reason is the death of his father when he was a young kid. Paul doesn't know the exact reason for his panic and hence he approaches a psychiatrist with a lot of hesitation.

The psychiatrist is Dr.Sobel who is about to get married for the 2nd time. Paul and his side-kick Jelly repeatedly barge into Dr.Sobel's space for Paul's consultation. There are a lot of funny moments as Sobel botches his marriage ceremonies on some occasions.

Finally, Paul fixes his issues thanks to Sobel's expertise and Paul decides to quit the mob business for good. He is sent to jail and continues to have sessions with Sobel who visits him. Sobel also gets married. The climax scene where all the mob bosses meet up and Sobel as Paul's acting lawyer gives one helluva funny speech, is a riot.

  • Robert De Niro as the gangster who struggles with his emotions in private while putting up a brave face in public, is a charmer. The way he cries is particularly funny.
  • Billy Crystal as the psychiatrist impresses in the scenes where he is caught up between Paul and his wedding commitments. His speech in the climax is THE moment of the film
  • Paul's side-kick Jelly looks so funny and chubby. 
  • The scenes showing the gangsters with all their crazy names and their plans, are quite funny. For a funny movie, even such serious scenes look spoofed and entertaining. 
Some light hearted fun.

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