Thursday, September 29, 2011

Never Let Me Go (2010)

The Plot
Tommy, Kathy and Ruth are 3 young students at Hailsham, a place where young kids are raised with the sole purpose of donating their vital organs to people who need them. These kids are born to be donors. Some become carers and then start donating. Usually the youngsters complete their lives by the time of their 3rd donations.

It's quite a sad depressing plot. Ruth falls in love with Tommy just to keep Kathy away from Tommy. Ruth is the first to complete her donor cycle. Then Tommy and Kathy appeal for a deferral citing their true love for each other. But, they discover that there is nothing called a deferral and Tommy eventually completes his life too. The movie ends with Kathy reflecting on their lives and getting ready for her first donation

  •  Beautiful acting by all the 3 lead players be it Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightley or Carey Mulligan. So natural, poignant and touching. The young kids who play the 3 roles are also perfectly in sync with their roles.
  • Aesthetic sense is perfect be it the locations, the BG score or the general serene setting
  • Very sad and depressing theme. 
  • The donors often talk about finding their perfect match and the persons based on which they were modeled. This is quite confusing. 
A movie that makes us sober and feel quite low. Worth watching for the top class aesthetics and the acting

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