Monday, September 12, 2011

Classic: Se7en (1995)

The Plot
It is the travails that 2 investigative cops, David Mills and William Somerset experience while trying to uncover the mystery behind serial killings based on the deadly sins - gluttony, greed, wrath, sloth, pride, lust and envy.

John Doe is the killer and the 2 detectives nab him after he has completed 6 murders. Detective Mills is forced to complete Doe's masterpiece of the 7 deadly sins due to tragic circumstances in the climax.

Doe has reasons behind each of the murders and comes across as a real thinking psycho and Mills' condition in the climax is highly pitiable.


  • A totally script driven movie. Terrific grip, thrill and intensity
  • Kevin Spacey as the psychic killer is terrifying and cold blooded. Brilliant
  • Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as the 2 detectives support the script with their solid shows. Pitt is remarkable in the climax. 
  • Gripping and haunting BG score by Howard Shore. 
  • Gwyneth Paltrow as the wife of Brad Pitt is so cute, adorable and pretty. 
  • Royal salute to director David Fincher for showing gory deaths and murders in such unflinching and painstaking details 
Master-stroke by David Fincher. The best investigative thriller.

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