Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dirty Harry (1971)

Inspector Harry Callahan is hot on the trail of a psychotic serial killer with a penchant for using the sniper. The killer calls himself Scorpio. Harry is always given the shit end of the stick and all the dirty cases come to him. He doesn't regard the law and silly rules. Justice is what he covets. The methods he uses piss off his higher-ups but Harry doesn't care. Service to the citizens is of utmost importance to him. He succeeds in getting rid of the killer with great difficulty and he is sure that will be suspended from the force, as well.

A really pioneering movie as there have been countless cop movies all over the world following this pattern. Of course, in Indian films, there would be a romantic track for the cop. But, here Harry is a widower. His bonding with his partner Chico is his only humane side.

The movie has some breathtaking aerial shots of SF and the BG score is terrific & lifts the movie considerably. Andy Robinson as the killer has gone through considerable physical pain for this role and his manic tendencies must have inspired the Joker from TDK as well.

Ultimately it's a Clint Eastwood heroic fest. His punchline is legendary and it's likely that this series was made keeping only Clint in mind. After being the cowboy in some Western movies, Clint plays the cop with the same ease and style.

VERDICT: An even match between a flamboyant cop and a terror-inducing serial killer. MUST WATCH

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