Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Dead Pool (1988)

This is the last of the Dirty Harry movies. Here, Harry has to get to the root of a series of murders of celebrities in San Francisco. These murders are based on a sick game called The Dead Pool where a list of celebrities are listed. Horror film director Peter Swan is the prime suspect but is he really the killer? Harry also has to survive many attempts on his life due to his hand in sending Lou Janero to prison.

Journalist Samantha Walker provides the female interest for Harry in this movie.

There are sparkling dialogs as always (the one comparing opinions to assholes is the ultimate) and lot of gun shots. Clint Eastwood looks aged yet majestic. Liam Neeson impresses as the frustrated director who earns a lot of media coverage. The suspense behind the real killer is not that great.Jim Carrey has a small crazy cameo as a drug junkie.

VERDICT: Another typical Dirty Harry movie but without a strong villain. Works purely due to Clint.

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